20 October 2008

Finding Religion on the Underground

I always wonder about people I see reading the Bible on the tube. It happens on a daily basis. Considering the fact that I find it hard to concentrate on my poppy-fiction books on the crowded underground, it seems hard to believe that anyone could really absorb what is surely one of the most difficult pieces of literature every written. Maybe the Bible is the only book they own? Maybe it makes them feel closer to God to just be holding the Bible, even though they're not really understanding it? Maybe they can find inspiration from this Book in even the most chaotic of situations?

Any enlightenment on this subject would be appreciated.

I do partially understand. I think there are only two places that could make a person grip onto religion so fervently: one's death bed and the London Underground at rush-hour (if there's a difference).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would guess that people have certain passages that they've read so many times in the course of their life that the words are soothing, familiar and comforting thus negating the need for literary analysis and comprehension. or something.