27 August 2008

Mary's Wedding

We're running a little behind on our blog here, lets see if we can't catch up.

A few weeks ago, I went home for a short but sweet visit for Mary Carroll's wedding. For those of you who don't know her, Mary is one of my oldest friends (from Freshman year in high school). She and I have had many adventures together (traveling around Europe as well as Alaska) not to mention the fact that I lived with her and her mom (aka, my second mom) for a few summers. I was so excited to come back to northern VA to be a part of her wedding.

Mary and Misha were married at St. Francis church in Triangle VA and the reception was at Potomic Point Winery. It was a beautiful wedding!!

Unfortunately, I only gave myself 4 days in the states which was not enough time to do everything I wanted to do/see everyone I wanted to see. I didn't even eat any mac n cheese!!!! Thanks to those of you who came up to visit me!! It was great to see you. And to those of you I didn't see this time around: i'll be sure to allow myself more time at home on my next visit (whenever that is).

So, congrats to Mary and Misha. May you find all the happiness in the world together. I love you both.

Here are some photos from the wedding weekend:

Before the bachelorette party. Our super cute shirts say "the girls are out to mingle for Mary's last night single"

Mary and Misha at the rehersal dinner in Clifton, VA.


Me with the other awesome bridesmaids.

I'll upload the rest of the pictures to Picasa soon so that you can see them all.

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