First, having space is AMAZING. It wasn't just the wide open fields (filled with sheep!) and hilly farmland that surrounded the house, although that was pretty spectacular. More than that, it was having more than one chair to sit on and more than two rooms to be in that was so lovely.
Second, when left without the internet for a week, I turn into a super-reader. I burned through 5 books during the week we were there, and it was fantastic. Sitting in a comfy chair, feet up, next to a roaring fire, reading a good book. There are few things better than that.
Third, cottages in this area were apparently built before modern humans became normal sized. As you can see from this picture, the house is not appropriately "Bob-sized." I bumped my head on the beams, doorways and ceiling more times than I care to remember. Laura was perfectly contented to walk upright through the doorways and then laugh at my misfortune.

Fourth, proper footwear is important. When stomping about on the hillside chasing sheep, it is vital to wear waterproof shoes. Laura remembered to bring her wellies, but I did not have any, and didn't bring my hiking boots. Luckily, we went into the nearest "big" town on the second day and I bought a pair of wellies for £7 that worked wonders.
In any case, it was a great week to rest and do just about nothing. We're back in London now and enjoying our second week away from work and the craziness of the city (by staying in our flat and napping as much as possible).
Here are some pictures from our week in the cottage.
We wish you all a Happy New Year and hope 2009 is even better than 2008 has been.