In the states, Cadbury Eggs are purely an Easter Candy and you can, therefore, only buy them for maybe two months of the year. In London, I get to enjoy them for nearly 6!! It has always bothered me that I cannot buy Cadbury Eggs year-round. Like Girlscout Cookies, I think that if they were always readily available, I would, infact, always be buying them. Hopefully one day the British will recognize this and start selling Cadbury Eggs for the additional 6 months of the year, but, until then, i'll appreciate the extra time I get to enjoy them here.
If you do not know what a Cadbury Egg is, shame on you. Please let me know and I will send you some.
yeah, what in the world is a cadbury creme egg? you should send me like a box or three.
Are you trying to take advantage of my generosity, Patrick? I'm sure you've had a cadbury egg, even if you are from the Eastern Shore.
However, now that I think about it, that would be one of those things Sheila had never had.
Hullo! I recently arrived in Singapore, and as I passed through immigration and into the endless strip of duty-free shops, I was shocked and awed and, yes, even FLABBERGASTED to see that they were selling those marvelous CCEs. Does the middle C stand for Cream (Creme?) or Caramel? I don't know because I didn't investigate. Anyway, you should come visit me in SouthEast Asia, because your favorite candy is here.
I'm sure I can find some Kraft too.
Excuse me, but just because I am from the Eastern Shore does not mean I do not know what Cadbury Creme Eggs are! I have a grandmother who was raised in England! In fact, she and my Nonno are the reason I even lived on the Eastern Shore, which is not so godforsaken that it hasn't hosted Cadbury Creme Egg consumption, by me, on Easter, for many years! Patrick was definitely trying to take advantage of you :) :)
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