If you’re an American, and I asked you what the craziest potato chip flavour you’ve ever eaten was, what would you say? “I think I had Thai Chilli Once.” “Salt and Vinegar is pretty out there.”
As a British resident, I can answer this question with the following answers:
*Cajun Squirrel
*Fish n Chips
*Onion Bahji
*Crispy Duck
*Builder’s Breakfast
*Chilli and Chocolate
*Prawn Cocktail
*Builder’s Breakfast
*Chilli and Chocolate
*Prawn Cocktail

Granted, the first 5 I listed were part of a contest to choose a new Walkers crisp flavour (The Cajun Squirrel and Onion Bahji were surprisingly tasty, the Fish n Chips flavour was horrid), but even putting those aside, you can find flavours like Prawn Cocktail, Chicken, and Beef on a regular basis. Flavours I’m used to like Salt and Vinegar, BBQ, and Sour Cream and Onion (or Soured Cream and Chives as they would call it here) are harder to find- although they are becoming more prominent.

At first, I hated the British crisps flavours, but now I find the majority of them delicious and entertaining. I am finally starting to fit in with the people of this country who love their crisps and put a huge amount of pride in their crazy flavours.
I have totally seen the Prawn Cocktail ones here. Although, the "grocery store" in my office building is run by crazy Ethiopians, so that might be why. They also always sell the "not for individual sale" items individually and hold "wine tastings" in their minimart. I promise, you will totally miss those crazy flavors once you can't get them anymore. I miss the cilantro chips from Chile; those aren't too out there, but I can't find them anywehere!
Wait... was some of that an April Fools' joke!? Happy April Fools' Day!:)
It would have been well timed, but no, these are definitely real flavors (flavours?).
And the Fish and Chips is the worst thing I've tasted in quite some time. Seriously, how did quality control not pick up on that?
yeah right, Bob! the original mr. april fools himself right up there with mrs. april fools. We all laughed good and hard. so whats the crisp situation really like?
Cajun Squirrel? How peculiar...
I do love my Ketchup and Curry "crisps" from Canada. My relatives send me some every Christmas :)
Umm I've had blazin buffalo & ranch doritos...I think it's creepy they can make a chip taste basically like a hot wing dipped in ranch dressing.
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