02 November 2007


I'd just like to point out that I'm totally kicking Mike's butt for number of blog posts this year. Although, to be fair, his are a lot cooler... and have crazy characters in most of them.

But still... I've only been going since April. Take that Mike!


Mike said...

You've got to be kidding! I think we have to adjust for the "biking stories nobody gives a crap about" factor. That means -1 for me and -50% for you.

Also, it's certainly not legitimate to count this current post-about-your-number-of-posts as part of the total.

Everyone, Bob is a Decepticon. Don't believe his lies.

Also, I'm pretty sure I can come to London. Hooray!

Bob Harwig said...

C'mon, you've got 39 this year, I've got 41 (without counting this one).

And I'm an Autobot if anything. Then again, let's not delve into that coversation in public.

patrick said...

guys guys please, we can all be autobots.