Thats right, "Macaroni Cheese" in a can. It's not Macaroni AND Cheese, it's just Macaroni Cheese. Who would try such a disgusting looking product, you ask? Why, me of course. And it was just as disgusting as you would have guessed. Oh, how I long for the blue box.
Why not just make my own Mac n Cheese from scratch? A) What do I look like, a chef? B) Is Mac n Cheese really Mac n Cheese if the cheese begins in its original block form? Give me the powder/goo over the block any day. C) If I could make it from scratch, you would be less tempted to send me care packages filled with boxes of Velveeta Shells n Cheese. Right?
My dad makes mac n cheese from scratch with something he calls a "beschamel sauce." It's one of the most ridiculously greasy/delicious things I've ever eaten. Especially when you put grated cheese and breadcrumbs on top and it gets all crispy. Oh mama.
Shhhh... making me cook more is not the point of this blog post Mike. Stop giving Laura such crazy ideas.
Sounds very good Mike, you should send Bobby the recipe and i'll make him make it for me. ;)
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