13 January 2009

A Note from Laura

As some of you already know, I have been battling a gastrointestinal disease for over 3 years now.  I have finally decided to have surgery to take care of the problem once an for all.  While it is a major operation and will mean tons of painful recovery time, I am very excited about the idea of feeling healthy again and getting my life back.  

I saw my doctors last Thursday (the 8th) and they checked me into the hospital because I was experiencing some of the more severe side effects of my disease (like anemia).  I was already in the process of planning my surgery, but it was not scheduled until March.  While in the hospital, I met with the surgical team again and they decided that the date should be moved forward.  I will now be having my operation next Thursday (the 22nd).  After spending 5 days in the hospital (and getting my blood levels topped back up thanks to all the fabulous blood donors out there), the doctors decided that it would be alright for me to go back home and wait for the surgery (I was having a hard time dealing with being in the hospital emotionally and there wasn't really anything they could do for me there anyways other than watch me and wait).  

So, I will be home until Tuesday the 20th at which point i'll go back for surgery prep and the actual operation.  I should be in the hospital for 7-10 days post-op and then home from work for 4-6 weeks after that while I recover.  

I am nervous about the operation, but I know its the right decision for me and I really have complete faith in my doctors.

Bobby has, of course, been amazing about all of this and by my side through the whole thing.  My parents are also coming out to be here for the surgery and the week or so following, so I have lots of support.

Thanks to you for all of your love and well wishes.  Bobby will put updates on the blog about how the surgery goes and my recovery.

Love you all!


Unknown said...

Sending you BIG HUGS and prayers for a speedy recovery. We love you so!

Paul said...

Anita and I send you best wishes. You'll be back on your feet in no time...teaching them old ladies how to drink those #$%^&@# drinks in Wachapreague...