05 May 2009

oh yeah, we went to Dublin

About a month ago, we went to Dublin for a weekend to celebrate one of my London friend's 25th birthdays. I won't go into much detail, as I've blogged about Dublin before, but here as the highlights:

Well, the biggest highlight of course is the fact that it was Lynsey's 25th birthday. She decided that she wanted to drink away her quarter-life-crisis (a life crisis that I think people drastically underestimate-i'm still dealing with mine), so Dublin seemed like the logical choice.

Lynsey and I out for her Birthday

Amid all of the drinking, we did actually fit in quite a bit of sight seeing. We took one of the fabulous free walking tours that i'm always raving about, and actually saw some major sites that Bobby and I had missed on our previous trip to Dublin.

Bobby and I at Dublin Castle

Bobby at the Guinness Factory

We had a great time, but, nonetheless, Dublin continues to be one of my least favourite cities in Europe. I ADORE the rest of Ireland, but Dublin as a city is just always kind of underwhelming to me.

1 comment:

sarah said...

I'm still working on my quarter-life-crisis also...