14 May 2009

Things I Love About London- Part V: English Tea With Milk and Sugar

It took a year and a half, but living in England has officially made me a dedicated tea drinker. Now, don't get me wrong, I've always had a love of tea. But, in the states, this adoration was mainly restricted to herbaly teas of the green and mint variety. Not being a coffee drinker, in London every morning I start off my day with what I now consider the perfect morning pick-me-up: English breakfast tea with milk and 2 splendas.

On this journey to tea dedication, I have learned some important lessons that most British people already know:
1- There are different types of tea for different times of the day
2- Different types of tea need different water temperatures
3- Water temperature DOES matter (boiling vs. just before boiling)
4- Milk in tea is AMAZING
5- Sugar type makes a difference (white vs. brown- I am a brown/unrefined sugar fan, but, due to obvious caloric issues, I have now switched to splenda)
6- Steeping time is very important and varies from tea to tea

I never really understood why hotelrooms the world over had tea and kettles in the room. I mean, who drinks that much tea? Well, thanks to living in London: I DO! Often, when bobby and I are travelling, we will arrive at a hotel, set down our luggage, and the first thing out of either of our mouths is "fancy a cup of tea?" (Yes, we do say "fancy," this is said half jokingly/mockingly and half seriously because I fear that the British version of that word has now legitimately infiltrated our vocabulary. If we were REALLY British, we would just say "fancy a cuppa," but I'll save the state of despair that is grammar in this country for another post.) We will then sit in the hotel room for 15 minutes or so enjoying our cup of tea before we go face whatever strange new place to which we have travelled.

My dedication to tea may be one of the few life-long impacts living in London has on me. I could see myself loving it forever (using the word "fancy" on the other hand, I hope to drop upon my return to America!).

1 comment:

sarah said...

Aww and I can just see the two of you enjoying your tea together. Ben and I are coffee drinkers and while I used to take mine black I now really enjoy heavy cream. NOT half and half, mind you.