28 June 2008
Congratulations to Mom!
1. It's her birthday!!! (although you already have June 28th in your calendar, of course)
2. She's just finished a super-intense course over the past year and a half to become the greatest Physical Therapy Assistant that the world has ever known!
I completely enjoyed the role-reversal of the past year of calling every week and keeping tabs on school. It could have been the 104 she just got on her quiz, how she's super stressed out about exams, or a detailed description of all the ligaments in the forearm. It all paid off in the end though; she's graduating #1 in her class and I couldn't be more proud.
Soon it'll be back to the "workin' world" for her (because she obviously hasn't been "working" over the last year and a half). But for today at least, it's time for a well-deserved celebration.
26 June 2008
Things I miss about America, Part IV: Air-conditioning in the Metro/Tube
Air-conditioning, something I truly loved about D.C’s metro system without even realizing it. Because, what underground system in the modern world would not have air-con?? Well, London’s, as it turns out.
For those of you who know London, you know that it actually doesn’t get very hot in this city. We’re much farther north than I had ever realized. I actually looked it up the other day because, all of a sudden, it started staying light out until 10:30 pm and becoming light again at 4:30 am. Strange, I thought, until I referred to a map.
As it turns out, London is more inline with Northern Canada than it is with New York, as I had mistakenly thought. Anyways, I digress. Since it’s not incredibly warm in the summers in this city, I guess the London Transport Authority never really saw the need to air-condition or even ventilate its underground system in any way. The problem with this? When you get thousands of people in a little hole under ground, it gets pretty darn hot. In addition, when you then cram those thousands of people all onto the same train, it becomes even hotter.
For those of you who really know me, you’ll know this is an extreme problem due to my tendency to faint on the Metro when it gets too crowded/hot. It has happened to me an embarrassing number of times in my life. I’ve gotten into the habit of lying to people and saying I’m pregnant, because, lets face it, a pregnant woman fainting on the metro is much less weird than some random girl fainting on the metro. The temperature on an average London Tube train makes my already hellish commute even worse.
The good news, the Mayor of London (who I have hated up until this announcement) recently said that London would start introducing air-con into the trains by 2010. Unfortunately, not on any of the lines that I regularly ride, but hey, it’s a start. Until then, I’ll take advantage of the free bottled water they’ve started handing out in the Tube on really hot days and keep trying to strategically place myself near the much coveted 2 ventilation holes on the train.
19 June 2008
New Link ------->
Anyways, as the loyal blog readers (Kim, Patrick, um... that's about it) may have noticed, i've added a new link to the side here. This is the blog for my friend Sarah (from my time in Kenya as well as my job in DC) who has just moved to Peru with her Boyfriend, Mark. They're not sure how long they'll be there, but i'm sure they'll have many adventures nontheless.
Love you guys!!
17 June 2008
All Work and No Play
I'm starting to get more involved in international projects at work, which is terribly exciting.
My last few projects have been local to London (as per my wishes to be close to the city while I was getting settled in and Laura was adjusting).
Now things are starting to ramp up across the continent. I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days in Zurich. Then I come back for a short weekend and off again Sunday for a week in Paris. (Hopefully that will let me brush up on my French before getting ready for le Tour de France next month with Jacob.)
Even more exciting is that Laura and her family (visiting next week) are coming down for that weekend to Paris before they go off on a holiday in Italy.
Not sure where the rest of the summer/fall is going to take me (c'mon Spain!), but I'm very excited about it all.
14 June 2008
Striving for that Husband of the Year award...
09 June 2008
Happy Anniversary!