24 May 2007

Found a Flat

Well, I expected it to take a bit longer, but I've found a flat. I just talked with the agent in charge of the property and we're all set to move forward on it.

First, the greatest part is that the closest Tube stop is called "Elephant & Castle." Seriously, why can't the DC Metro have kickass names like that (how boring does McPherson Square sound now).

Its in Southeast London, about a 10 minute walk from the London Bridge south of the river Thames.

Supposedly there are some good and bad areas around the area, but I checked it out late at night and it all seemed up on the up and up. I was quizzing people on the street about the area as well. I'm not expecting it to be a fantastic wonderland, but its also not quite the same as being in Southeast DC.

Its also well within my budget, which means I can save up even more money to spend on flights to Uganda to visit Laura.

I should be moving in sometime mid to late June.

Once I get a new camera (Laura took the point and shoot to Africa), I'll get some pictures up so you can see my new digs. That probably won't be until I head back to the States though, so be patient.


Mike said...

Your flat may be south of the river Thames, but mine is south of some little stream where peasants grow cabbage and stuff. How do you like them apples?

Bob Harwig said...

I love apples... except for granny smith, too sour.

I hope they turn their cabbage into kimshi (how is that word spelled anyway?)

patrick said...

you can watch the crew races on the thames! i'm jealous.

Mike said...

It's spelled 김치...duh.