22 February 2009

A Big Day for Laura

Yesterday, two big things happened.  First of all, I walked to the grocery store, completed my shopping, and walked home (doing some street-market shopping along the way) and only had to sit down once!  This is huge considering a week ago I couldn't make it to the corner shop without taking about 5 breaks to sit down.  I can't carry the groceries, so bobby still has to accompany me everywhere, but its a start!

More amazingly, however, is the fact that we went to the grocery store to buy items for a ...*dramatic pause*.... SALAD!  This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I have been unable to eat raw vegetables for nearly 3 years, and have missed them horribly.  Technically, i'm still not supposed to be eating raw vegetables, but they don't do me any actual harm and since I now have control over my bodily functions I figure its ok to bend the rules every once in awhile.

Here's a picture for your enjoyment.  I ate about half of that salad and had a nasty stomach ache afterwards (my stomach is used to only protein and carbs), but it was worth it!!!


patrick said...

no raw vegetables!!! I had no idea! i can't make it a week without eating spinach

sheridan said...

That looks delicious...

Laura said...

Now that I read over it, i'm embarassed at how incorrect my use of commas is in this post. I'll blame it on all of the pain meds. Please forgive me.