15 February 2009

Laura Update

Many people have been asking for an update on my post-surgery progress, sorry I haven't been blogging more often, but the truth is that there's not much to say.

I actually don't feel like i've made much progress since i've gotten home.  I'm still AMAZINGLY tired all the time.  Its hard for me to stand or walk for longer than about 2 minutes.  I'm making progress on small things: for example, I can now get out of bed and off the couch by myself, even when i'm laying down completely (something I couldn't do when I got home from the hospital), also, I sleep less which I think might be a good sign.  

We actually had a little scare last weekend when my wound decided to spontaneously burst open.  Thankfully, bobby was home, because I just went into a state of complete shock.  I think I said "oopsie" and then just stood there while stuff started flowing out of me.  Bobby called 999 (aka 911) and after a quick trip by ambulance to the ER, I was all bandaged up and back home in about an hour.  It turns out that this actually happens quite often (according to the ER surgeon) and isn't a big deal.  And now, a nurse comes to my house every other day to change the bandages and clean the wound!!  Gotta love that socialized healthcare.  I do have to say however, and bobby agrees, that this was the single scariest experience of my life.   

So, that whole incident set me back a bit (i'm in more pain now than I was before while my wound re-heals) but hopefully this week will bring me more forward progress. 

I know its normal to have good days and bad days, and I know that recovery is a slow process, but I have to say that i'm getting very frustrated.  I'm so ready to just be healthy and "normal" (as normal as I can be now) and get back into the world, and its hard to just sit here all day doing nothing.  Luckily, my body is forcing me to take it slow since it's physically impossible for me to leave the flat!

If you have any good ideas for wasting hours every day, let me know!  DVDs are getting boring, as is reading and i'm avoiding doing the work that my boss sent me!


Unknown said...

You could begin the great American novel which has yet to be written, in my opinion. Or, prepare for the GREs which you will need in a few years...or, better yet, don't think about "doing" anything. You will be back to hectic London before you know it. Enjoy the rest, sleep, and attention I know Bob is giving you! Spend a few minutes updating the blog. Those that know and love you will be delighted to hear that .. "nothing much has happened" but you are feeling a little better.. doing a little more, going for a short walk... going for a picnic in Hyde Park, returning to work, etc. We will all celebrate with your every success because we know what it has taken for you to get there!!!

Lots of love to you both! Mom

Laura said...

Mom, you figured out how to comment?!?! This is a huge step for you!!

Unknown said...

You could take up guitar playing. That seems to work for Ed. Boy am I in trouble if Ed reads this. Of course for me, it's looking at shoes on Zappos.com, but it sure is true; we all wish for more time and then when we have it we want desperately to get back to our hectic pace. Hang in there... you'll be back before you know it. Check out my girlfriend's art blog and some of the artists she has found online @ "debrossart.blogspot.com. That's a fun way to lose yourself and be inspired by lots of unsung talent out there. Hugs!