24 October 2009

Laura Update

I'm not sure how many people actually read this blog (you all are not great about commenting), but I've had a lot of people asking about how i'm doing so I thought I would give a little update.

I feel AMAZING!! The surgery went better than I could ever have hoped. I had a little bump in the road about a week after returning home from the hospital which landed me back there for a few days, but that was my own fault. I got a little excited and introduced new foods into my diet too quickly. I now have that back in control and am feeling great!! I'm already months ahead of where to doctors said I would be at this point. So yay!! If British people weren't so stand-offish and afraid to show emotion, I would give my surgeon and big hug and kiss next time I saw him.

Also, thanks to nationalized healthcare, it was all FREE!!


Mary said...

fair enough, i am definitely an interested reader and should show more love. i'm glad all is well and i hope your recovery goes by quickly and easily. thanks for the update! :)

Lara said...

That's great news! :)

Unknown said...

Gotta love the United States Health Care system. I had to pay $600.00 out of pocket for 8 stiches in my hand, thats after insurance paid about half. BS

Lindsay said...

Yay! I'm so glad you feel better. (definitely read here, but I don't comment too often!)