Did I forget to mention that we went to Oktoberfest? Oh yeah, we went to Oktoberfest (at the end of September, which is when Oktoberfest takes place- don't let the name fool you).
We flew into Munich on Friday Morning and left on Sunday afternoon.
I wish I could tell you all about it, but to be perfectly honest, I don't remember much of Friday and I was so miserably hungover on Saturday that I didn't have that much fun. Those beers are MASSIVE. I woke up Saturday morning having realized that I lost my cell phone and had a HUGE bump on my head that turned into a nice bruise later. I did, however, gain a much-coveted stolen beer stein (if they find you stealing one at Oktoberfest, you can get a fine and kicked out!) so I guess it wasn't all a loss.
From what I remember, Oktoberfest consists of sitting in large tents with lots of very friendly Germans, eating surprisingly delicious food (Ox meat, pickles, pretzels, chicken...), and drinking the LARGEST BEERS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN. You also sing Germans songs, the words to which we never actually learned- even after having our new german friends say them over and over again to us very slowly. We went all out and bought lederhosen and dirndls- everyone thought we were locals!
Enjoy the following pictures and help me try to piece together the weekend......
Us in our dirndls and lederhosen

To be a waitress at Oktoberfest, you have to be able to hold A LOT of those HUGE beers at once.Inside and outside at Hofbrau Haus- one of the main tents at Oktoberfest.
I would fill in the details from Friday night... but I don't want to get too risque here.
I will say that Saturday was a blast for all non-hungover participants. We found a fantastic small tent and slowly took over one of the tables (you have to enter in small bunches of 2's and 3's to have any chance at all). And then we stayed there for about 10 strait hours and had some delicious beer.
Mmmm, beer. Love the getups!
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