29 October 2007


Whoops. I seem to be quite good at letting weeks go by without updating the blog. My mistake.

Some ramblings on my week and a half in the US to follow, but for now some excellent news updates.

Well, there's only one update really, and it's that Laura is coming to the UK! We bought a one-way ticket last weekend and she'll be joining me in jolly ol' England in a week and a half!

I'm very excited about not being half a world apart anymore. Not only that, but now we can start exploring London and the rest of Europe... hooray!

The only downside is that I'll have to retrain myself to not leave the toilet seat up. But that's a sacrifice I'm very willing to make.


patrick said...

don't you mean the loo?

Laura said...

Dah, I had you so well trained.

Mike said...

I've just gotta say, I've been living solo in an tiny little apartment for longer than you, so I think Laura is just going to have to deal with me leaving the toilet seat up when I come to visit. Also, I'm not going to wear pants the whole time. And when I say "pants," I'm using the British meaning. So be ready.

Bob Harwig said...

and by "Laura is just going to have to deal with me leaving the toilet seat up" you mean "Laura is going to beat me into submission until I realize that the toilet seat must always be left down", then I think you're right on target.