28 May 2007

Bank Holiday

Well, despite the fact that I thought I was going to get shorted one vacation day since Memorial Day is a US occasion, I was surprised to learn that I get today off too (as does the rest of the UK). It's a "Bank Holiday," which basically means that since the banks are closed, so is everyone else.

Its been rainy the past three days, and will continue for the rest of the week. It seems my good luck (and good weather) at the beginning of my trip has finally run out. Oh well.

I'm still finalizing some of the paperwork on my flat, but in the meantime you can check out the location (hooray for Google Maps) and start planning your visit. I should be moving in around the last week of June.

As far as the rest of my timeline, I'll be in London for the next week and a half (until June 8th). Then I'm back to the States for two weeks in order to get all the rest of my stuff packed and moved over here. Then I'm back here for good (mostly).

I was talking with my boss over some delicious pints over the weekend, and it looks like I'll be doing quite a bit of travelling once I get settled. He's currently in Paris, after just finishing a week in Lithuania, and then to he's off to Switzerland for two days. So I'd guess he's about right.

I'm very excited about travelling, as it will keep me very busy while Laura's in Africa.

Speaking of Africa, I've talked with Laura a few times since she's landed. She's settled into the village and is getting situated this week in order to prepare for volunteers coming out for the next few weeks in a row. It sounds like she's having a great time, plus she discovered that her room has an actual shower (while its not hot water, its also not a bucket bath). I'm sure she'll have an updating coming up by the end of the week (if she makes it to an internet cafe over the weekend).


Brian Bosch said...

Bob you forgot to mention the REAL reason you are coming back here in June...

Bob Harwig said...

Do you mean going to Blacksburg for a drunken celebration of Bosch's birthday and BW's graduation while floating down the new river?

mmm... floating...

patrick said...

freshen yur drink, guvnah

Bob Harwig said...

If by "freshen yur drink" you mean "toss you another natty from the cooler tube" then my answer is an emphatic YES

Brian Bosch said...

Yes, that is what you meant to say. And I think you are aiming high with your "natty" you seem to forget about the blue ribbon of beers...

Bob Harwig said...

Since Pat is coming, I could only assume that we'd be drinking only the finest South Carolina lager. But sure, I'll have a PBR while we're at it.

patrick said...

busch light is my south carolina beer, natty is expensive down here.