20 July 2007

Unpacking Continues

Well, I had quite a little spurt of activity the first night of unpacking, made it through about 25 boxes. All that's left are boxes (and boxes) of clothes. But I don't have the energy to deal with those just yet.

So, here's my living room, completely full of boxes.

And the bedroom...

And here's what I mean by "most of the boxes were damaged in some way"

So here are a few pictures of the casualties. So far I've only found 4 broken items: a mug, a plate, the glass on a framed poster, and a lamp.

And finally... I'd like to make a bold statement. The only thing that should ever be consumed from my series of etched pint glasses is cold, delicious Guinness. I mean seriously, how good does that look right now?


Unknown said...

So, Bobby, I was thinking about sending you a care package. What are some things you would like? How about matches? I know a great bar down the street where I can get them for free. Let me know.

Laura said...

So both of the items that broke whose pictures you posted were gifts. One from Lara (the mug) was a wedding present and the plate was a gift from Anita from Spain. Way to have no idea where any of our stuff comes from! Glad to hear not too much broke though. What lamp?

Bob Harwig said...

Luckily we still have the other mug on hand, not so lucky about replacement plates.

The lamp was the square frosted IKEA lamp, completely shattered on one corner.

Mike said...

Did you bring snoopy with you? Did he survive the trip?

Bob Harwig said...

Snoopy has been safely at home for some time now... no need to worry about his well being.