01 August 2007

Work, Work, Work

Well, I've been busy at work, so there hasn't been too much going on over on this side of the pond.

There are still about 5 boxes left that I can't quite bring myself to deal with. I keep hoping that one day I'll come home from the office and they'll all be unpacked and put away nicely, but it hasn't happened just yet. Seriously, where are the unpacking fairies when you need them?

I had been all set for a mini-vacation this weekend. My calendar listed Tuesday, Aug 7 as a Bank holiday, so I was going to take Monday off and have a nice four day weekend cycle trip. Luckily before things got too out of hand, somebody let me know that Tuesday is not a Bank holiday and that my calendar was all messed up.

My plan has now shifted to the actual holiday weekend of the 25th - 27th of August. I'm going to bike down to Pevensey Castle on the southern coast of England. I'm mapping out my route now, but I figure it will be about 140 km to get there (it should look something like this). So I'll ride down Saturday for about 6 - 7 hours, take pictures and check out the castle and nearby beach on Sunday, then ride home on Monday. And, in the event that it all goes sour (aka, I can't feel my legs after hour 2), I can always find a train station and catch a ride home.

Also, I took some pictures of the Tower Bridge, but I've been lazy and haven't put them up yet. Maybe Friday.


Mike said...

Your unpacking problem is due to the fact that there are no "unpacking fairies." You should instead be trying to cajole the gnomes into helping you. How to do that? I'm not exactly sure but I heard they'll respond well if you FedEx expensive gifts to people in Korea.

Lindsay said...

Ahh! Have so much fun on your bike trip! The castle looks beautiful. How do the drivers in London (and the suburbs) respond to cyclists?

Unknown said...

How adventurous! Have fun and remember which side of the road to ride on :)

Brian Bosch said...

So... if you are lacking "unpacking fairies" does that make THOSE people who packed everything the packing fairies? Bob I think you are calling Jacob and I fairies... I am not sure how I feel about this!

Mike said...

Brian, I feel pretty good about it. Especially with regard to Jacob.

Laura said...

Are those 5 boxes filled with my clothes? I miss you!