20 August 2007

Saturday Bike/Train Ride

Well, in what's turning into a series of "where did Bob ride this weekend" posts, I had another very long ride on Saturday.

The goal for this one was to actually follow the path that I will take this coming weekend and make sure I won't get too terribly lost along the way. And in that effort it was a great success. I managed to ride from my flat to Gatwick Airport. (Here's a map from south of the river to Gatwick.)

It was a pretty nice ride for about the first 2 hours, a little bit more traffic-y than I prefer, but nothing too bad. Then it started to drizzle a bit, and that's just no fun. I rode in and out of the rain for about another 45 minutes to an hour. I really wanted to find the entrance to a footpath that will (hopefully) lead me most of the way down to the coast. I managed to find the path, and I took some pictures of the planes landing in Gatwick.

At this point, I had been riding for about 3 hours, and was exhausted. I also hadn't really prepared as well as I should have by packing some food or gel or something. So I decided to turn around and find some food along the way back.

Along the route there's a town called Redhill, and I had seen the South Redhill Train Station on the way down to Gatwick. After the turn, I biked back about 45 minutes to get to Redhill and I decided that I would find some food, give myself 20 or 30 minutes to recover, then try to make it back. But then again, there was always that train station as a fall back.

So anyway, I got a footlong Subway sandwich and devoured it along with some crisps. Delicious.

Then I hopped back on the bike and started to get back on my route, when I noticed my punctured rear tire. Fantastic. I stopped and did a quick tire change. As I got back on the bike, realizing how heavy my legs felt, how full and happy my stomach was, and that it would be another 2 hours back home on an underinflated rear tire... yeah, I bought a train ticket and went home.

The good news is that first, it was a really great ride, and I have the first half of my route planned for this weekend. Second, my route follows along train tracks almost the whole way down, so if worst comes to worst, I can always pop off the bike and be home in about 30 minutes.

I still need to do a bit more prep work, especially when it comes to having some food for the ride. But I think I can take care of that this week and be ready to make it down to the coast on Saturday.


patrick said...

you wouldn't happen to know where i can get 2 tickets to the ECU game??

Bob Harwig said...

I'm afraid not, I didn't get season tickets since weekend trips back and forth to Blacksburg are prohibitively expensive. Perhaps some of the current batch of VTCrew would have an additional ticket.

Mike said...

Speaking of biking...I can ride for about 30 seconds with no hands now, provided it hasn't rained and I'm on a smooth and traffic-free road. Not too bad, eh?

And speaking of being a total sissy...oh, actually, I guess you've got that one covered.

Good buddy.

patrick said...

i'm going bikin tomorrow in Charleston. (tomorrow is Saturday over here in America, i don't know what kind of crazy schedule they got you on over there in the UK)

Bob Harwig said...

We don't technically have Saturday's in the UK. They call them BritianUsedToRuleTheGlobeButNowWeCantCompeteWithAmericaBecauseAmericaIsSoGreatDay.

It's very hard to pronounce properly, so mostly people end up going with the shorthand of "Saturday"