10 August 2007

Some more pictures

Here are a few more pictures I took last weekend outside of my flat.


It's way too annoying to put them in the post, Blogger really needs to fix that.

I should be writing this post from my couch, but sadly the internet isn't quite working at my flat just yet. Hopefully I can get it up and running in the next day or two.

Another bike ride planned for Saturday. Last week I was thinking about riding the first leg of my Pevensey Castle journey, but ended up just wandering for a while. This time I've mapped out the journey so I'll go for my first test run of about an hour out and an hour back. And hopefully I remember sunscreen this go round.


Mike said...

Your flat looks quite nice and I very much look forward to spending a month or more sleeping on your loveseat. I also get some pleasure from the thought of bugging you nightly to switch sleeping spots with me.

Winter cohabitation '08, here we come!

Bob Harwig said...

I am going to need to put something up in front of the bedroom doorframe before that happens. Currently there's not enough room to have a proper door, so maybe I'll rig up some sort of sheet or some sweet 1970's sketchy brothel era beads.