13 August 2007

Saturday Ride

I had quite a nice ride on Saturday, although it wasn't exactly as I planned (when does that ever happen really?).

I've been using Google Maps drawing feature to plan my route to the castle, and also I've been tracking the path of most of my rides in the same manner. So I'll share those with you now.

First off, here's the original plan for my out and back ride (part 1, part 2). I would ride from my flat along a canal towpath and then into the Docklands area of London. From there I have to walk my bike through a footpath that goes under the river Thames to pop out on the Greenwich side of things.

I actually did pretty well for that first part. Made it along the canal just fine, but I missed the proper turnoff. So I got a little lost and then recovered and made it to the tunnel. So far, so good.

After that, things got a little shakey. I had remembered the general path of how to get down to Beckenham, which is to say I remembered one or two turns and a few towns I should have passed along the way. I wasn't really sure where I was, but I made it to the Lewisham train station, which I knew was along the route. Then, I gave up. I decided to just pick a direction and start riding. So yeah, my path diverted a little bit from that point on.

Oh well, I managed to make it back to my flat in once piece, so I'd call it a successful ride.
Next weekend I'm actually going to print out section by section maps beforhand so I know where I'm supposed to go along the way. I think that will make quite a difference in my chances.


patrick said...

Well Bob, your a regular ol' Clark Griswold when it comes to these bike rides.

Bob Harwig said...

Let's just hope I can make it to WallyWorld next weekend.